Digital Marketing
I have made digital marketing in three different organisations (Arkance Systems, MV-Jäähdytys and Yrityspäivät) between 2022-2024. At this page you can find some of my work as references.
The videos on this page have been made by me for client companies or organisations.
Wedding Videos
I've shot video at around 30 different weddings. As final products I have made short 5-10 min wedding films, +20 min long documentary wedding videos and short wedding trailers. On this site you can watch my wedding videos
Wedding Photos
I have been in over 50 wedding taking photos of aroud 20 of them. Here you can find some samples of my wedding photography. Full wedding galleries may be provided if asked.
Real Estate
I have taken photos of over 100 different properties for 4 different real estate companies, as well as for private individuals. I have also photographed public buildings such as schools and construction sites.
Corporate Photography
Student Photography
I have photographed multiple student events between 2019-2023. Here you can find examples of my work.